International Migrants Day falls on December 18th each year and is a day celebrating people who move, whether through choice or necessity. This year’s campaign, ‘I am a migrant’, focuses on the ways in which migrants enrich and deepen our society. It comes at a time when migrants are too often reduced to numbers and statistics in public debate, and depicted negatively in the media.

IMD 2023

This year, we hope International Migrants Day can provide a counterweight to this negativity by sharing the amazing, individual and unique stories of migration that make up our society today. On December 18th we are asking everyone, from individuals to companies alike, to join us on social media in celebrating their migrant heritage and/or those of the people around them. Scroll down to find out how you can join the festivities and share stories of migration.

How to get involved as an individual

Share a photo of your tea break along with a caption explaining how your life has been enriched by migration. Please use the hashtags #IamAMigrant or #MigrantsDay and tag us on X (Twitter) @IOM_UK @IMIX_UK @UNMigration or on Instagram @human_journeys

You could take a photo of:

  • A snack representing migrant heritage
  • A book by a migrant author
  • A cup of coffee (brought to the UK by Turkish and Greek migrants)
  • You and your friends
  • Anything else that celebrates how your life has been made better by migration!


IMD 2023


How to get involved as a company or organisation

Celebrate the contribution of migrants to the UK by sharing a photo of your team or product, along with a caption explaining how it has been enriched by migration. Please use the hashtags #IamAMigrant or #MigrantsDay and tag us on X (Twitter) @IOM_UK @IMIX_UK @UNMigration or on Instagram @human_journeys

You could take a photo of:

  • Your team
  • A product or service designed or influenced by migrant employees
  • An office celebration reflecting the team’s migrant heritage
  • Anything else that celebrates your business and migration!


IMD 2023