IOM works closely with local authorities across the UK to help facilitate and support the integration of refugees and migrants into host communities.

This section provides access to resources limited to individuals from local / central government.

  • UK Pre-Departure Cultural Orientation (UKCO)
    Click here for information and resources on the UK Pre-Departure Cultural Orientation (UKCO) IOM provides to all adults and children aged 5 or older resettling in the UK. UKCO provides key content, messaging, and visual imagery shortly before departure to develop initial skills, attitudes, and knowledge to help adjust, succeed and integrate upon arrival in the UK.
  • Local Authority Information Factsheets
    Click here to access the central repository of Local Authority Factsheets. All families resettling to the UK receive a factsheet provided by their new Local Authority or Community Sponsor. These factsheets provide information on their new local area including geographic location, landmarks, transport links, places of worship and places of interest..

If you would just like to talk to us about any of the resources included here, you can contact us on