#SimpleActs: discover the Singing-Our-Lives special playlist

We asked some of the participants in the Singing Our Lives project to share their favourite songs. For Refugee Week 2022, as a simple act of solidarity, listen to a song!

#1   All You Need is Love, The Beatles 

#2   Penso Positivo, Lorenzo Jovanotti Cherubini

#3   Fix You, Coldplay

#4   Bridge Over Troubled Water, Aretha Franklin

#5   Nowruz, Together Productions, performed by Mixed Up Chorus and the Sing for Freedom Choir

#6   Mother’s Day, by Singing Our Lives Project 

#7   Brothers in Arms, Dire Straits

#8   Pastime Paradise, Stevie Wonder

The Singing Our Lives project brings together people from local UK communities with people from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds to compose and perform new music, and this year, to mark Refugee Week 2022, the project will culminate with a special event open to the public, “Under the Same Sun”, taking place on Sunday 26th June, 6 PM, at the Union Chapel in London (19b Compton Terrace, N1 2UN).

“Under the Same Sun” is a song that has been collectively written and composed by the participants in the Singing Our Lives project, which brings together people from local UK communities with people from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds to compose and perform new music. The premiere of "Under the Same Sun" will be a featuring hundreds of performers onstage to celebrate through music and song this year’s Refugee Week theme of healing. The performance will be hosted by BBC 3 radio presenter and artist Jumoké Fashola, featuring performances from Members of the Orchestra of Syrian Musicians, Mind & Soul, Mixed Up Chorus, Music Connects, Sing For Freedom Choir, United Strings of Europe, Thames Opera Company and Write to Life.

Singing Our Lives, now in its sixth year, is produced by Together Productions in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Union Chapel, with generous support from the Arts Council England.

Join us for Refugee Week 2022 Finale Performance

UNION CHAPEL, LONDON  (19b Compton Terrace, N1 2UN)



For information contact asoleiman@iom.int.

Image at the top: Singing Our Lives workshop, April 2022. Photo Credit: Jez Ward