  • Maha Akbar | Communications Officer, IOM Pakistan
  • Lucia Gomez | Digital Communications, IOM UK
  • Abir Soleiman | Communications Officer, IOM UK

This year alone IOM has already supported the resettlement of 585 Afghans from Pakistan to the UK, nearly half of them are women and girls. 

Awizha is an Afghan student who has just been resettled from Pakistan to the UK. She came with her family, carrying a backpack full of aspirations and desires to fulfil her goals of becoming a doctor and supporting feminist causes. 

“We have faced numerous obstacles along the way, and I am well aware that we might face more but I aspire to do my best”.

Leaving everything behind in search of safety is not easy.  

Nafisa was forced to leave her home and dream job as a teacher in Afghanistan to seek safety elsewhere. IOM supported her resettlement to the UK, where she now hopes she can still be a teacher and help her new community. 

Afghan women and girls are changemakers.