The Capacity Building Initiative on the Indicators of Integration was inspired by the revised framework for the Indicators of Integration, published by the UK Home Office in 2019, adapting its successful 2004 framework with recent research on integration and nationwide consultation on its use. In order to enhance the wide use and applicability of the framework, IOM UK and the Home Office worked together to increase Local Authorities´ familiarity and confidence in using the Indicators of Integration Framework through a number of activities, which included a consultation process, several pilot capacity building workshops, and the design and development of a training Guidebook on the framework. 

Training sessions to Local Authorities and Civil Society Organisations

Following the development of bespoke training materials on the Indicators of Integration Framework, a number  of training sessions were carried out throughout the UK, including two online workshops. The trainings were designed to ensure a good level of understanding of the framework, the suite of indicators and the principles underpinning it, the Theory of Change approach, an opportunity to engage with Indicators-led design of integration strategies and an opportunity for reflection on the use of the Indicators in measurement and evaluation. Almost 100 participants from Local Authorities, regional partners, as well as civil society and community-based organisations attended the pilot workshops and participated actively on how best to use the Indicators of Integration to strengthen their approach to policy planning and to monitor their impact on the integration of migrants and refugees.

The Guide

As part of our Capacity Building Initiative, and in close collaboration with the authors of the Home Office Indicators of Integration framework, IOM UK is presenting the Guide for Practitioners on the UK Home Office Indicators of Integration Framework 2019, a free-to-access resource that aims to support the effective use of the latest Indicators of Integration by practitioners, policy officers and strategists, who hold responsibility for interventions on integration and social cohesion. The Guide promotes the wider implementation of the Indicators of Integration, by offering an accessible format to local authorities and grassroots organisations to apply it in their everyday work. 

This Guide should be used side-by-side with the Home Office Indicators of Integration framework documents, as a navigational tool for first time users, to help identify the most helpful parts of the framework according to the area of interests, and to directly consult specific sections of the Indicators of Integration at different stages of policy planning and implementation. In addition, the Guide contains a small number of activities that can be undertaken at one’s own pace, and helpful exercises for becoming familiar with the ‘Theory of Change’ approach introduced in the Indicators of Integration framework, thereby  supporting the successful implementation of integration policies and strategies. 


  • The Guide for Practitioners on the Home Office Indicators of Integration 2019 enables a wider use and applicability of the Indicators of Integration. It increases the accessibility of the IOI framework by offering an easy and accessible format to local authorities and grassroots organisations to apply it in their everyday work.  
  • Among other things, the Guide can support practitioners in gaining a working knowledge of how to use the ‘Theory of Change’ when designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating their projects. 

How to use the Guide for Practitioners on the UK Home Office Indicators of Integration

  • The Guide can be used individually or by teams, who want to plan or expand existing interventions and to develop professional practice in using the Indicators of Integration for future strategies. Users of the guide will be navigated through the Indicators of Integration framework when planning, implementing, or tracking policies and strategies on integration among host communities, migrants and refugees in the UK. It also helps users to find pathways into the framework and new ideas for its use, and to adapt it to their integration priorities. 
  • The Guide allows users to directly consult specific sections of the IOI framework at different stages of policy planning and implementation. 
  • The Guide contains a small number of activities that can be undertaken at one’s own pace, and helpful exercises for becoming familiar with the ‘Theory of Change’ approach introduced in the revised IOI framework, thereby  supporting the successful strategic implementation of integration policies.

You can find the Framework Documents from the below links:

For further requests for training sessions to Local Authorities and Civil Society Organisations, or for general information or inquiries, please, contact us at: