There are lots of ways you can get involved and support International Migrants Day (18 December). Whether you are an organisation, a teacher/educator, a business or an individual - let’s create together a positive social media buzz about migration in the UK! 

Week of digital engagement between 12-18 December 2022 
We want to hear from you about how your community benefits from being welcoming and inclusive for all people! In addition to writing posts on social media - use 


Twitter Tags

so that we can amplify your messages. You can share your story in three main formats: photos, videos, and blogs/articles.

Looking for ideas to mark International Migrants Day? Click here for the Brief


Social Media Toolkit 
How is migration positively shaping your community? How have you or those around you contributed to building a strong sense of community that embraces diversity and inclusion of all, including migrants? We are producing customisable assets and a toolkit that you will be able to use to create your own content. 

Click here for the Social Media Toolkit


Do you already have plans for International Migrants Day? 
If you have an existing initiative or project that resonates well with the concept ‘It Takes A Community”, or are planning an event, let us know! We can give visibility to your work and add your organisation's logo n the news/events/partner sections on the national International Migrants Day 2022 webpage.


International Migrants Day Logo

You can download and use International Migrants Day logo for your initiatives here from the below links.

International Migrants Day logo (JPEG)

International Migrants Day logo (PNG)

International Migrants Day logo (EPS)


Resources for schools and educators

We have been inspired by the recent initiative by community organiser Geoff Simmons in collaboration with Fircroft Primary School as part of the Summerstown182 community history project celebrating the migrants who made Tooting their home, and teamed up with Schools of Sanctuary on a series of creative activities for schools/educators to get involved with for International Migrants Day.

Find out more here.


Follow the hashtags

Share, like and comment on the stories that are shared by IMIX, IOM and other campaign supporters. 



For more information contact:
Abir (IOM UK)