Throughout human history, migration has been a courageous expression of the individual’s will to overcome adversity and to live a better life.



In 2000, the United Nations General Assembly declared 18 December as International Migrants Day, marking a day every year to reflect on the role of migrants in our societies, their positive contributions and the challenges they face in achieving their full potential and capabilities. This day is also a reminder that human rights are not ‘earned’ by virtue of being a hero or a victim, but are an entitlement of everyone, regardless of origin, age, gender and status.

International Migrants Day is an opportunity to promote an informed and balanced conversation on migration and to share the stories, experiences, aspirations of migrants in their communities. The theme for this year’s International Migrants Day is ‘It Takes A Community’. The theme reminds us of our interdependence, our common humanity, and the unique contributions we collectively make to our shared communities.

There is no better way to mark International Migrants Day than by foregrounding voices of lived experience. For the second year, IMIX and IOM UK teamed up to run the  International Migrants Day Ambassador Programme as part of a nation-wide engagement initiative under the theme of #ItTakesACommunity that last year was supported by over 40 organisations across the UK.

‘People, family, unity, love, care, support, encouragement, building each other, just being there for one another. That's what community means to me.’
Toby G. MBE, International Migrants Day Ambassador 2022

'Community means a lot to me. It’s not about the place where you are living. It is a gathering and sharing of the values of love and the experience of life.’
Khadeja Alamary – Pickwell Foundation, International Migrants Day Ambassador 2022

Meet the Ambassadors



There are lots of ways you can get involved and support International Migrants Day.



The Global Compact for Migration

At the global level, states have committed to protecting human rights of all individuals irrespective of their migrant status and to promoting safe and dignified migration as a source of prosperity, innovation and sustainable development.

These commitments are contained in the Global compact for safe, orderly, and regular migration (GCM). The Global Compact for Migration is the first inter-governmental agreement to cover all dimensions of international migration in a holistic and comprehensive manner.

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