
Diaspora for Climate Action: Bridging Local Actors & Global Aspirations

Climate change is the greatest global challenge of our times, and it requires the mobilisation of entire societies. Diasporas around the world are already playing a key role in advancing climate action, sustainable development and humanitarian assistance in disaster-affected areas, by contributing their expertise, ideas, connections and resources to both countries of heritage and residence. Cities, especially those with large migrant populations, are well placed to foster innovative and inclusive approaches to climate action by mobilising their diasporas and providing platforms that enable the exchange of learnings and implementation of good practices in their communities of origin and residence.

During London Climate Action Week 2023, join IOM, the UN Migration Agency, for an online discussion on the role of diasporas as bridges between cities and key actors in global climate action.


5:00 – 5:10pm | Introduction and Opening Remarks (IOM UK)

5:10 – 6:10pm | Discussion with

6:10 – 6:30pm | Q&A with the Audience


Register here