
IOM UK submitted its contribution to the Call for Evidence for the London Climate Resilience Review

IOM UK submitted its contribution to the Call for Evidence for the London Climate Resilience Review, in September 2023. 

Below are a few highlights. You can read the full document here.

  • Climate change is already having an impact on human mobility patterns and exacerbating existing vulnerabilities, including among people already on the move. As migration is increasingly occurring towards urban areas, cities play a crucial role in welcoming newcomers and protecting them from further climate-related risks.
  • The more cities are able to tackle inequalities and increase social inclusion, offering decent work opportunities and quality housing and services to newcomers as well as long-standing residents, the more migrant groups will be able to thrive in and contribute to their communities, creating resilient societies.

We provided a few practical considerations:

  • Ensuring consultation and exchange with migrant and diaspora communities on adaptation planning, implementation and monitoring to capture their perspectives. 
  • Mobilise youth (ensuring representation of migrant and diaspora youth) to get involved in climate action activities through, for example, social media campaigns, workshops, contests, awards, and dedicated events.
  • Gather data and engage the private sector to better understand the skills gaps in London’s labour market which act as barriers to its green transition. Work with partners to discuss opportunities for skill development and leveraging ‘untapped’ human capital, including newcomers and longer-term residents.
  • Consider analysing the impact of climate change on human mobility in London to gather specific recommendations in various areas (e.g., urban planning, employment, health, participation and inclusion, advocacy and international cooperation). This would advance progress on the city’s climate resilience goals as well as on global development and migration related objectives (e.g., Sustainable Development Goals and Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees).